
BOC Testimonials


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The Essential Credential

Today, thousands of BOC certified building operators and engineers are on the job, saving energy and money. BOC certification is a professional credential in energy efficiency that employers recognize and reward. Which makes a lot of sense, considering BOC certified operators can save their buildings $20,000 in annual utility costs through operational energy conservation measures alone.

Watch as three BOC graduates and employers share how BOC strengthened their careers and building’s operations plans or visit www.theboc.info to learn more.

BOC Testimonial - Teresa

BOC Testimonial - Don

BOC Testimonial - Chris

Improved Building Preformance

NEEA’s Building Operator Certification (BOC) Expansion provides skill enhancement training to improve building energy performance through operation and maintenance best practices for HVAC, lighting, and controls systems. Watch how the energy preformance of three buildings were improved by BOC graduates.

BOC: Boise Airport

BOC: Clark Fork Valley Hospital

BOC: University of Montana

Want to learn more from BOC certified operators in the Northwest? Jess Miller, Director of Facilities and Security at Umpqua Community College and his team created a holistic approach to their building management. Click here to see their story.


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