
Heat Pump Water Heaters in Multifamily New Construction: Design Charrette Findings


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After discovering unique building design and installation challenges of heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) in low-rise multifamily housing, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) saw an opportunity. To better understand the opportunity at hand, NEEA staff collaborated with Energy Trust of Oregon staff to identify solutions that overcome these challenges and increase adoption of HPWHs in multifamily applications in the Northwest.

In November 2023, Energy Trust and NEEA staff hosted a one-day design charrette with industry experts including architects, plumbing engineers, plumbers, and raters. The charrette’s objective was to identify barriers, including those pertaining to design, installation, and market adoption, to HPWHs in multifamily housing (in one-to-one applications) and propose practical solutions to overcome them.

Read the full report to learn more about the process and identified solutions.

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