
Condensing Rooftop Unit Design Tools and Resource


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Rooftop units (RTUs) are commonly used in commercial applications due to their inherent convenience: RTUs package heating and cooling equipment together in a space that doesn’t take up precious real estate and is still accessible to technicians. Condensing rooftop units (C-RTUs) have recently entered the commercial RTU market, providing the benefits of non-condensing RTUs at much higher efficiency levels and lower operating costs. In fact, condensing furnaces can achieve over 90 percent AFUE—a big upgrade when compared to traditional gas furnaces that range between 78- and 82-percent AFUE.

How It Works

C-RTUs work similarly to traditional gas RTUs with one crucial difference: the condensing systems use a secondary heat exchanger to extract heat from the flue gases—heat that would have otherwise been lost.

Note: This drawing is for illustration purposes only and does not represent the sizing or depth of the system or frame for all manufacturers' products. Check with manufacturer for exact measurements and specifications.

Installation Resources

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